SkyBridge is Green!
Companies around the world are looking to lower their carbon footprint. Moving your on-premise LDAR program to SkyBridge is a simple, painless step toward a lower carbon footprint, and SkyBridge can do much more than that!
How is SkyBridge “Green”?
Better Infrastructure - cloud data centers are located close to power generation, reducing power loss during transmission
Higher Utilization - public cloud servers are much more efficient than traditional data centers due to highly utilized infrastructure
Modern architecture- new architectures (e.g. the Apple M1 chip and other RISC processors) do the same work as older systems using a fraction of the electricity and producing a fraction of the waste heat
Reduced Electricity Use - moving business software (on a national scale) to the cloud could save enough electricity each year to power Los Angeles for 12 months
Reduction In Climate Impact - the average corporate data center has a dirtier power mix than the typical large-scale cloud provider
SkyBridge™ Growth
SkyBridge is growing more than 100% year over year. We have converted hundreds of sites and millions of components to SkyBridge.
Coast to Coast
Wherever you are, SkyBridge is there. Just look in your web browser.
If you’d like to lift your LDAR program into “The Cloud”
Call Chris Tucker 📱 (502) 693-7405
Go ahead. Call him now. Wake him up. Ask a lot of questions. 😉
or E-mail if you want him to sleep in 💤
Reduced Cost of Ownership
Let us worry about the systems, servers, maintenance, updates, and data security so you can focus on running your LDAR program.
The security, safety, and reliability of Microsoft Azure
Supports Android versions 5 through 11
Simplified, intuitive UI
Much faster performance - Larger route capacity
Enhanced GPS 🛰️ support - Live maps and directions
Blue dot is technician 🔵
Red pin is tag location 📍
Distance and direction displayed
Real-time database access (LTE 📶 or Wi-Fi)
Find/Edit/Monitor any component in the database
See history, open WOs, make repair attempts
Report missing tags
Simple connections to analyzer
Improved support for TV2020 and PHX42
OOOOa baked in
View Work Requests and previous readings
SkyBridge - Always Evolving
Continuous integration (CI) is the practice of automating the integration of code changes from multiple contributors into a single software project. It's a primary DevOps best practice, allowing developers to frequently merge code changes into a central repository where builds and tests then run.
Continuous delivery (CD) is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time.
Your SkyBridge Team